Opening Friday August 6th
Art Schabbach
Art Event
05 – 08 August 2021
Contact Hours
Daily: 10. a.m. – 5 p.m.
Monday & Holidays: Closed !
On Display Now
Featured Work
The Bridge
June 2019
February 2017
The Wall
August 2015
just started
Great Charity
Fine Art sponsored for Charity!
Under the supervision of The Souvereign Hospitaller Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Knights of Malta, three wonderful oeuvres from R.O.Schabbach are offered! Go!
Coming Up
Upcoming Events
Performance Trier
Trier (nearby, limited access, only on personal invitation)
Aug 06 – AUG 08
4D Live Art Sculptures on 15,000 sqm with
lakes and botanic gardens, a gigantic 360° light-art
sculpture, living paintings, moving dragons,

Miami freedom?
With the December move (back) to MIAMI Olaf & Sherri hope to escape the vax pressure approaches of the German Government – even on small childs! We are in a close daily contact and everything is well. However: Olaf is planning the upcoming 2022 events with just more concentration and we will be happy to see results from Cuba, China, Miami …
NFT Placement on Unique Art Pieces
You can buy unique Art Pieces from Rolf Olaf Schabbach by buying NFTs which are based on blockchain technology and allow the best (digital) proof of “origin”, and easy trading.
Starting: Aug 15, 2021
Buy art with NFTs (Non Fungible Tokens) now. Enjoy all blockchain based security features!
some spotloghts
Gallery Store
We decided to use a blockchain based shop system which you will find by pressing the button.
You will see a selected variety of Light Art by R.O.Schabbach.
If you have further questions please use the contact form.
The Artist
Rolf Olaf Schabbach
R.O.Schabbach is an internationally renowned celebrity artist bestowed with numerous important art awards and world records. With well-known collectors: allover the world …
Latest News
Love and Light – sponsored by Olaf
"Love & Light" is the slogan of dedicating his art at a significant portion to the international peace and especially the support of children. Olaf's wife Sherri, an acclaimed artist with a singing voice which you never will forget, is in charge for this program...
Thank God we are back in Florida …
Thank God that we could flee Germany and now - since last December - live in Florida again. The (de)pressing environment had exhausted us. Officially poor behaviors of many people led to more and more bad habits. All had been argued with "COVID 19" - the "virus" which...
Olaf & Sherri back again in Florida
They just fortunately escaped the extremely harsh German Vaxine Measures in Germany an fled to Florida just at Christmas time. We wish you nice days - and successful completion of the next arrangements in Florida, Cuba and China (together with Ai Wei Wei).
Eulengasse 5
D-54497 Morbach/Germany
(+49) 171-2553-505
Open Hours
Monday – Friday: 10am – 5pm
Weekends: only with appointment
Holidays: closed